A pumpkin was carved one day with a frown when the night time came he bounced through the town.

He saw some bad children still playing outside,he said to himself if these kids were good they would be inside.
So up and down the road the pumpkin did yell and the sound of if his voice was like a loud bell.
He said to the kids you should be safe in your bed,the only ones out are the walking dead.
This is the night before Halloween Its the only night by the walking dead all bad kids can be seen.
And the pumpkin with the orange frown upon his face,will take the bad kid to their secret place.
So when you are carving your pumpkin this year put a smile on your pumpkin so will will not fear

Brenda Everhart-Perryman 10/24/2011
yes, kids like pumkins to smile.
Christy stop I will report you for violence,
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