Chapter 1

Josey and Amy had been best friends since Kindergarten. They did everything together, sports.cheerleader and every other weekend they would spend they night at one of their homes. Each year up to the 5th grade some how they always had the same teachers,they suspected their mothers had this done for them. Oh what best friends they were and they had one more thing in common they were both an only child. But they were very opposite in looks Josey was taller and darker in color while Amy had red hair and was short and had very fair skin.
Now they were finished with the 5th grade this meant the next year they would be in a new school and also Junior High,this meant to them they were no longer little girls, they were growing into mature young ladies. They were so excited about this new change.
They spent all summer at the pool hanging out and talking about it and as always sharing their secrets with each other, for example Josey had a big crush on a boy named Chase who never even noticed her. They bought new clothes together and new shoes, the new School day was approaching so fast its as if they never had a summer at all.
So the day was here their first day at the new school they helped each other pick out just the right outfits and off to school they went. When they got there they both were so scared they had never been to such a big school before but they held each others hand and walked into their new future together.
It did not turn out the way they had hoped in JR High you change classes and have different teachers and different people in each class. The only class they had together was a class called Study Hall and in this class it was in the library and you were not aloud to talk and had assigned seats so all they could do was smile at each other across the room.
Chapter 2
They seemed to adjust to this new journey in life they still hung out on weekends and talked every night until after Thanksgiving Josey started to notice a change in Amy.
She was now always with a girl named Maria who was a very rich girl or so Josey had heard. Amy kept coming up with excuses as to why she could not spend the night and would only talk to her now for just a minute on the phone or sometimes would not answer or return her calls. Josey now was feeling so alone she moped around school and at home not knowing what to do or say,she had never experienced this kind of sad feeling before. Good news was they all made the Cheerleading team Josey thought this might bring her and Amy back together again. She felt some happiness at this.
Chapter 3
Things still did not seem to change even though now they were all three on the same Cheerleading team. Amy and Maria seemed closer and were constantly whispering in each others ear they same way Josey and Amy used to do.
Then it happened all these feelings came to an eruption one night at a Basketball game.
While they were cheering Maria on purpose tripped Josey and she fell in front of everyone. Josey got up and told Maria I know you did that on purpose and them Maria started blurting out about how she knew that Josey had a crush on Chase and that he would never look at such an ugly girl like her. This all happened in front of the whole gym. Josey looked at Amy and said how could you, she did see sadness in her eyes and Amy was saying something she did not hear as Josey ran out of the gym crying.
Chapter 4
Now the 6th grade was over and over all these months Amy and Josey never spoke oh yes Amy kept trying to call Josey but she was too hurt and would hang up her phone. She did notice Maria and Amy had stopped hanging out together and Amy was also alone at school but at this point Josey was to hurt to care.
So here came the summer days again at the pool this year however was a little awkward because they did not sit or swim or even talk anymore at the pool. But one day something funny happened that only was a secret between them two and they both laughed but then noticed this and Josey stopped immediately.
Amy came over to Josey and apologized and was crying and said she never knew Maria would ever be so mean to her. She said she never told Maria that you just hurt my best friend and I never want to have anything to do with you. They both hugged and cryed and laughed it felt all good and right for Josey again. They made a promise to never let anyone come between their friendship again.
Chapter 5
Josey and Amy grew up and went to same college and both married and are still best friends and never let anyone come between them ever again. They also had two little girls whom they named the little girls middle name after each other. And in the end Josey did get Chase as her husband.
The End

Brenda Everhart-Perryman 01/18/12